Note: The blue color indicates which subjects are publish at this time The studies in "black" are studies being rebuilt because they were deleted due to technical difficulties. Fortunately they were backed up on a flash drive. However it is a long process to cut and paste over a 199 pages of notes. If you are a returning visitor looking for these studies you may contact me and I will send as many as I can to you as a e-mail attachment.
Page 2. The Language of Adam and Eve and the first marriage Page 3. The Language of the Tabernacle of Moses Page 4. The Language of the Firstfruits Page 5. The language of the Priesthood Page 6. The Language of Mount Sinai Page 7. The language of David's Tabernacle Page 8. The Language of Solomon's Temple Page 9. The Language of the early and latter rains Page 10. The difference between the language of Jewish customs / traditions and the Law of Moses
The studies in "black" are studies being rebuilt because they were deleted due to technical difficulties. Fortunately they were backed up on a flash drive, but it is a long process to cut and paste over a 199 pages of notes. (At this time some spelling and sentence are being corrected) In the meanwhile if you are a returning visitor looking for these studies you may contact me and I will send as many as I can to you as a e-mail attachment. Page 1. It is more than a translation Issue! Page 2. They found a NEW Greek text Page 3. Jerome enters the picture Page 4. 500 AD? / THE CHURCH / Dark Ages Page 5. GOD'S Word is back in the Greek Page 6. The Council of Trent (1546 AD) Page 7. 1881 AD a CHANGE was to take place Page 8. Simplifying the Issue Page 9. The Principle Page 10. The Apocrypha Page 11. The Septuagint Page 12. Eve - The first revisionists Page 13. The "Family Tree" method
Page 14. Four hundred silence between the Old and New Testamemts Page 15. 500 hundred anniversary of Luther and reformation Phase 2 / God's Purpose and Plan The studies in "black" are studies being rebuilt because they were deleted due to technical difficulties. Fortunately they were backed up on a flash drive, but it is a long process to cut and paste over a 199 pages of notes. (At this time some spelling and sentence are being corrected) In the meanwhile if you are a returning visitor looking for these studies you may contact me and I will send as many as I can to you as a e-mail attachment.
The studies in "black" are studies being rebuilt because they were deleted due to technical difficulties. Fortunately they were backed up on a flash drive, but it is a long process to cut and paste over a 199 pages of notes. (At this time some spelling and sentence are being corrected) In the meanwhile if you are a returning visitor looking for these studies you may contact me and I will send as many as I can to you as a e-mail attachment.
Phase 4/ Tabernacle of Moses The studies in "black" are studies being rebuilt because they were deleted due to technical difficulties. Fortunately they were backed up on a flash drive, but it is a long process to cut and paste over a 199 pages of notes. (At this time some spelling and sentence are being corrected) In the meanwhile if you are a returning visitor looking for these studies you may contact me and I will send as many as I can to you as a e-mail attachment.
Phase 5/ Daniel's Visions and Prophecies The studies in "black" are studies being rebuilt because they were deleted due to technical difficulties. Fortunately they were backed up on a flash drive, but it is a long process to cut and paste over a 199 pages of notes. (At this time some spelling and sentence are being corrected) In the meanwhile if you are a returning visitor looking for these studies you may contact me and I will send as many as I can to you as a e-mail attachment.
Phase 6/ Interpreting the Prophets The studies in "black" are studies being rebuilt because they were deleted due to technical difficulties. Fortunately they were backed up on a flash drive, but it is a long process to cut and paste over a 199 pages of notes. (At this time some spelling and sentence are being corrected) In the meanwhile if you are a returning visitor looking for these studies you may contact me and I will send as many as I can to you as a e-mail attachment.
The studies in "black" are studies being rebuilt because they were deleted due to technical difficulties. Fortunately they were backed up on a flash drive, but it is a long process to cut and paste over a 199 pages of notes. (At this time some spelling and sentence are being corrected) In the meanwhile if you are a returning visitor looking for these studies you may contact me and I will send as many as I can to you as a e-mail attachment.
Phase 8/ The Feast of Passover, Unleavened Bread and Firstfruits
The studies in "black" are studies being rebuilt because they were deleted due to technical difficulties. Fortunately they were backed up on a flash drive, but it is a long process to cut and paste over a 199 pages of notes. (At this time some spelling and sentence are being corrected) In the meanwhile if you are a returning visitor looking for these studies you may contact me and I will send as many as I can to you as a e-mail attachment.
Page 1. The Feast of Passover / a beginning of months Page 2. Passover celebrated on God's time table Page 3. All were to keep (Celebrate) the Passover Page 4. The Passover [Lamb] was kept for 4 days, then slain Page 5. All were to keep the Passover. NO exceptions! Page 6. The whole congregation of Israel Page 7. They had to apply the blood Page 8. The Lamb was roasted with fire Page 9. They were to eat the Lamb with their loins girded, shoes on and staff in hand Page 10. The Feast of Unleavened Bread Page 11. What does "leaven" model for the New Testament? Page 12. NO leaven to be found in their "house" for seven days Page 13. Water Baptism puts the "leaven" out of our house Page 14. The Feast of Firstfruits Page 15. Jesus fulfilled the "sheaf of the first fruits" in His resurrection
OTHER RELATED SUBJECTS Page 16. The Calender for the Church / Feast days
The studies in "black" are studies being rebuilt because they were deleted due to technical difficulties. Fortunately they were backed up on a flash drive, but it is a long process to cut and paste over a 199 pages of notes. (At this time some spelling and sentence are being corrected) In the meanwhile if you are a returning visitor looking for these studies you may contact me and I will send as many as I can to you as a e-mail attachment.
Page 1. This Feast was 50 days after Passover Page 2. It was the first of two great harvests of the year Page 3. Why they waited (tarried) for the "promise of the Father?" Page 4. Apostle Peter declared "this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel." Page 5. Note the language of Joel, Feasts of Israel language Page 6. This Feast was a meat (food) offering Page 7. It was a NEW meat (Food) offering Page 8. There were two wave loaves Page 9. The two wave loaves were holy unto the Lord Page 10. No sevile (Service / labor) work was to be done Page 11. Pentecost was a confirmation of Christ's resurrection Page 12. Pentecost was not the end of the journey
Phase 10/ Eschatology One (Order of events in Revelation)
The studies in "black" are studies being rebuilt because they were deleted due to technical difficulties. Fortunately they were backed up on a flash drive, but it is a long process to cut and paste over a 199 pages of notes. (At this time some spelling and sentence are being corrected) In the meanwhile if you are a returning visitor looking for these studies you may contact me and I will send as many as I can to you as a e-mail attachment.
The studies in "black" are studies being rebuilt because they were deleted due to technical difficulties. Fortunately they were backed up on a flash drive, but it is a long process to cut and paste over a 199 pages of notes. (At this time some spelling and sentence are being corrected) In the meanwhile if you are a returning visitor looking for these studies you may contact me and I will send as many as I can to you as a e-mail attachment.
Page 1. Introduction to the Feast of Tabernacles Page 2. The Feast of Trumpets / Why we study this Feast Page 3. This trumpet sound opens up the Feast of Tabernacles unto the day of atonement! Page 5. The Day of Atonement / A brief outline of the day of atonement Page 6. The reality / fulfillment is in Christ and His Church / Bride / Why a unity and a cleansing of people / Sanctuary? (From p.6 Widows copy) Page 7. The apostle Paul spoke of this day approaching Page 8. How do you see this day? Page 9. The 1st Century Church had let this slip Page 10. Conclusion Page 11. Why is there a testing and proving? Page 12. What Aaron did on this day (Link to PHASE 4, 9-) Page 13. This Feast had the harvest of the Grapes and Olives Page 14. Why is the day of Atonement still ahead of us? Page 15. The Feast of Tabernacles (Booths) / a brief outline
Phase 12/ Eschatology Two (The interpretation of the order of events in Revelation)
The studies in "black" are studies being rebuilt because they were deleted due to technical difficulties. Fortunately they were backed up on a flash drive, but it is a long process to cut and paste over a 199 pages of notes. (At this time some spelling and sentence are being corrected) In the meanwhile if you are a returning visitor looking for these studies you may contact me and I will send as many as I can to you as a e-mail attachment.
Page 1. The first seal opened (The Book that Daniel sealed up) Page 2. The identification of the white horse (Revival / Harvest / to coming to the marriage) Page 3. The interpretation of the 7th Seal (The Marriage of Christ and His Church) Page 4. The purpose of the man child Page 5. The rise of antichrist Page 6. A REVIEW Page 7. The antichrist is a copy / counterfeit of THE LORD JESUS CHRIST Page 8. The false prophet Page 9. The two witnesses Page 10. The 7th Trumpet Page 11. Mystery Babylon the Great Mother of Harlots Page 12. WARNING: The antichrist shall go out FROM US (The Church)
Page 13. What about the Rapture?? Page 14. The court which is without don't measure it (Rev.11:1-2)