Phase 5 | Cover Page

The Jews rejected CHRIST (THE MESSIAH) breaking covenant with God

of the
(Dan.8:14, 26-27)

Page 3

Table of Contents

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(The stone cut out of the
mountain without hands"

​​PHASE 5 is placed here to explain the responsibility (accountability) of the Jews (the "children of the flesh" of Abraham Rom.9:5-8)  in the "great mystery...concerning Christ and His Church." (The espoused / virgin Bride) They Paul's "kinsmen after the flesh" (Rom.9:1-5) were accountable for the adoption, the glory,the covenants, the giving of the law, the service of God, and the promises"  that "was imposed on them to bring them to Christ, the Messiah.(Heb.9:1-10, Gal.3:24) However, when Christ "came unto His own" (John.1:11) to "confirm" (fulfill, complete Matt.5:17-19, Rom.15:8, Gal.3:14-17)the adoption, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the law, the service of God, and the promises"they rejected and crucified Him, (in the midst of the weekDan.9:27, Rom.15:8Gal.3:16-17) and they (the Jews) broke their covenant with God through unbelief.(Lev.26:1-33, Rom.11:20-25) Their failure to be accountable / faithful to God's Word(Matt.15:1-9, Col.2:8) caused them to be blind and dull of hearing (Matt.13:10-17, Rom.11:25, 2Cor.3:1-16) towards God's purpose of a Bride / Eve for The Lord Jesus Christ. (the last Adam 1Cor.15:45-46But God who is rich in mercy, promised to graffed them in again (Rom.11:20-25) to what they were they were broken off from (the  reality / confirm of the promises / covenants that God made to the "fathers" whicxh is New Covenant / Testament) which includes the Jew and the Gentile together / saints in Christ,The Messiah. (Eph.2:11-19, Rom.2:27-28; 9:1-8, 25-26, Gal.6:15-16)


Daniel's Prophesies (Dan.2:29-45; 7:1-25; 8:1-27; 9:24-27; 11:1-45)  give us this overall picture when they are laid parallel to each other. (See Chart above)  They teach thebalance  between the Church (the children of the promise / God's eternal Purpose Rom.9:8-9, Gal.4:25-30, Note:v.28) and the Jews today (the children of the flesh Abraham Rom.2:28-28; 9;8) as He unfolds His

ONE PLAN and ONE PURPOSE. There is not one plan for the Jew and another for the Church.(1Peter.1:18-20, Eph.2:1-22; 3:1-12)

TO SUMMARIZE: Daniel prophesied that "Messiah" (The Word manifest in the flesh
John.1:1-14, 1John.5:7) would come (Dan.9:25)“unto His own" (the Jews / House of Judah / the children of the flesh of Abraham John.1:11, Matt.15:24, Rom.9:8-9) to confirm(1)the covenant(Dan.9:27, Gal.3:17, Rom.15:8) that God, the Father (1John.5:7) made with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Gen.12:1-2; 15:1-21; 17:1-8, John.8:56-58, Heb.11:8-10 / Rev.21:9-10), Moses (Acts.3:22, Gal.3:24, Heb.10:1, Rom.3:21-31)and David (Acts.2:30, 1Chron.17- -17). This confirmation was to reconcileboth the Jew and the Gentile together in the Body of Christ / The Church / The "Israel of God" (Eph.2:1-19; 3:1-12, Gal.3:1-29; 6:15-16)This was rejected by the "children of the flesh" of Abraham, (the Jews) and they were "cut off" (Rom.11:20-25, Hosea.1:10,Matt.21:43) because they broke their covenant with God.(Lev.26:15-33)  "BUT GOD who is rich in mercy..." (has still kept His covenant with them) promising to graft them back in again to what they rejected[0] (i.e. His purpose before the foundation of the world  1Peter.1:18-20, Eph.1:4; 3; 2:1-22; 3:1-12) "if they abide not still in unbelief." (Rom.9-11)



Jew and Gentile

(Dan.2:1-45) Page 1

The End Times Explained |                                                                                                              Phase 5 / Cover Page

of the


Daniel's Vision's and Prophecies

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(Dan.11:1-35) Page 4


confirming the (Old) Covenant

(Eph.2:1-22; 3:1-12)


Page 1.   Nebuchadnezzar's Image (Dan.2:1-9; 31-45)
Page 2.   The ram and the he goat Vision (Dan.8:1-13; 19-25) 
Page 3.   The cleansing of the Sanctuary (Dan.8:14, 26-27)
Page 4.   The Lion, Leopard, Bear and the 4th Terrible         
                Kingdom and Little Horn (Dan.7:1-28)

Page 5.   The overthrow of Persia by the king of Greece,
                kings of north and south. (Dan.10:1-21; 11:1-45)

Page 6.   Daniel's 70 Week Prophecy / Part One (Dan.9:24-27)

Page 7.   Daniel's 70 Week Prophecy / Part Two (Dan.9:24-27)



(Dan.8:1-13, 19-25) Page 2