XIII. The 1st. Cent. Church did not complete the blueprint
Using the example of Samson to typify the New Tesament Church.
"There was a certain man of Zorah, of the family of the Danites, whose name was Manoah; and his wife was barren, and bare not. And the angel of the Lord appeared unto the woman, and said unto her, Behold now, thou art barren, and bearest not: but thou shalt conceive, and bear a son. Now therefore beware, I pray thee, and drink not wine nor strong drink, and eat not any unclean thing: For, lo, thou shalt conceive, and bear a son; and no razor shall come on his head: for the child shall be a Nazarite unto God from the womb: and he shall begin to deliver Israel out of the hand of the Philistines. (Judges.13:1-5 / Rom.15:4, 2Tim.3:16-17) A. The angel of the Lord appeared to Samson's mother(Judges.13:2-7)
The angel told her that Samson would deliver them from their enemy. The angel of the Lord appeared to Mary, and was told that Jesus (who is the head of the body, the Church) would deliver those in bondage to the god of this world. (Luke.1:28, 2Cor.4:4, Eph.2:1-11, Rom.3:23; 5:12-21)
B. Samson was to be separate unto the Lord.
He was to take the vow of a "Nazarite." (Num.6:1-12) The Church, the body of Christ was to be separated unto God fulfilling this law. (Matt.5:17-19, John.14:30, 2Cor.6:14-18)
C. Samson experienced victories over the Philistines The Lord blessed him and the Spirit of God began to move upon him. (Judges.13:24-25) The 1st.Century Church had God's blessing and the Spirit of God upon them, and within them.
D. The Church like Samson was warned (Judges.13:4-5; 14:1-3)
The 1st. Century Church was warned in the epistles of the coming danger and spiritual decline. (Note how these epistles were written during 60-90 AD) a short time before the spiritual decline would take place after the death of John.
1. To the Ephesian Church - 60 AD
Paul said, "...after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things..." (Acts.20:29-30) Watch for the "cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive." (Eph.4:14) Be "strong in the Lord...put on the whole armor of God...to stand against the wiles (tricks) of the devil." (Eph.6:10-11)
2. General Epistle of Jude - 65 AD.
"For there are certain men crept in unawares (Stealthy, under the radar)...turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying...our Lord Jesus Christ." (Jude.1:3-4)
3. To the Corinthian Church - 56 AD
Watch for those that "...preacheth another Jesus...another spirit...or another Gospel...For such are false apostles, deceitful workers...transforming themselves as the ministers of righteousness..." (2Cor.11:1-4) Watch for those "which corrupt the Word of God..." (2Cor.2:14)
4. To the Churches of Galatia - 56 AD "...there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ." (Gal.1:1-8)
5. To the Church at Philippi - 60 AD
"Beware of dogs (unsaved, unredeemed, those that reject Christ's Deity)...evil workers... concision." (Phil.3:2) "...they are the enemies of the cross of Christ." (Phil.3:18)
6. To the Church at Colosse - 60 AD
"Let no man beguile you...in a voluntary humility and worshiping of angels, intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind." (Col.2:18)
7. The General epistles of John - 90 AD
John warned that "...antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists;...they went out from us; for...they were not all of us." (1John.2:18-27) These things have I written unto you concerning them that seduce you." (1John.2:26-27)
8. To them that have obtained like precious faith with us - 60-68 AD
There will be those that "are unlearned and unstable wrest (twist, torture)..the...scriptures, unto their own destruction." (2Peter.3:16)
These warnings were NOT heeded and the Church turned aside as Samson did. (Historical record / Judges.14:1-8) E. The Church, like Samson, failed to have a hearing ear
The Church "turned aside" to see the carcase / the dead works (Heb.6:1, Eph.2:1, Matt.23:27) of our adversary (1Peter.5:8) the defeated (Col.2:15) and imitation lion." (Judges.14:5-8) The Church like Samson handled it and tasted the honey in it and it defiled their vow of separation, as a Nazarite. (Col.2:21) The result of this mixture and lack of separation from the "philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men," (Col.2:8) was the replacement of Apostle and Prophet ministries by man's government and authority. (100 AD?) They did not take heed to the warnings of the apostles Paul, John and Peter.
Note: The responsibility of the apostle and prophet is for the foundation of the Church, Jesus Christ. (Matt.16:18, Eph.2:20-22, 1Cor.3:10-11, Psa.11:3) This forsaking of the apostle and prophet began the decay of the Church because the foundation was gone. (Eph.2:20-22)
F. By the second century, the "laying on of hands" vanished(Heb.6:2) [32]
The doctrine of the "laying on of hands of the presbytery" became a dead ritual.[32](1Tim.4:14) is one of the "first principles of the doctrine of Christ," who has never changed His doctrine. (Heb.6:1-2; 13:8) The doctrine of the "laying on of hands" is God confirming how He has "set" you in the body as it has "pleased Him." The Church decided they would appoint leaders as it pleased them. (1Tim.4:14, 2Tim.1:6, 1Cor.12:18) _____________________________________________________________________
Note: With this decay of truth came also the corruption of God's Word. The Greek manuscripts were "notoriously" corrupted within 100 years and agreement between them was hopeless. [31]What is interesting, they were claiming to be correcting them just as the modern translations do today. This corruption and decay is the foundation for our modern translations. (Review Phase.1) (Compare this period of time with the Church at Ephesus (Rev.2:1-7) and the parable of the Sower. (Matt.13:1-23)
G. Baptism in the Holy Ghost / Gifts of the Spirit. Gone 150 AD.(?) [32]
Only a "form of godliness" remained. Jesus told the apostles they needed "the promise of the Father" and He has not changed His doctrine. (Acts.1:1-8, Heb.6:1-3; 13:8)
It was man that changed his mind! God did not stop!
Paul, (who was taught by the revelation of Jesus Christ - Gal.1:11-12) says that tongues will not cease until that perfect man (Church, Bride, Building, Temple) has come. (1Cor.13:9-12, Eph.4:11-16) Peter declared the gift of the Holy Ghost is given to "as many as the Lord our God shall call," (Acts.2:39) and God has not stopped calling yet.
H. Then the plurality of eldership was replaced[32]
Monarchical bishops selected because of their natural ability. 160 AD.(?)[32] This is to be expected because there was no leading of the Holy Spirit and man became the leader. By this time 180 AD.(?) Churches were looking to Rome for direction.[35] Now there was a giant gap forming between doctrine and experience. The external form remained the same, but the spiritual awareness began to vanish.
Note: It was about this time (185 AD?)[32] infant baptism took the place of Baptism by immersion. Later in this century, Pope Stephen declared baptism in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ invalid.[]
_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Note: During this next period of time (202-325 AD ?)Clement and Origen were "two prominent fathers...chief representatives of the School of Alexandria" [33]This School blended Plato with Biblical concepts, and denied the Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ. Origen is recorded in history as a early Christian Theologian. A Foremost, celebrated Christian writer, teacher and theologian of antiquity. Yet he was a Platoist. He taught that Christ was "subordinate to the father in power and dignity." He taught that Jesus was created, not eternal. (Funk & Wagnalls New Encyclopedia, Vol.19, p.441 / Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol.16. p.900-1939 Edition / Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia, 1996) Question: "Why then do Theologians today consider Origen a "celebrated Christian Writer," when he denies the Deity of Christ?
Compare this period with the Church at Smyrna(Rev.2:8-17) and the parable of the Wheat and the Tares. (Matt.13:24-30, 36-43)
I. An acute distinction between the clergy and laity210 AD.(?)[32]
The "priesthood" of all believers was now replaced with designated priests in direct opposition to God's Word and they became the interpreters of the Word of God to the people. According to the pattern (blueprint) God has designated the entire Church is to be "a royal priesthood" (1Peter.2:9) with the responsibility to teach, guard, protection and supervised the copying of the
J. By the3rd, Cent. worldliness had crept into the Church[32]
Some recognized this problem and began the first monasteries, [32] which created a double standard. There were "average" Christians and the ascetic who tried to a lead the "deeper life," which lead to an over emphasis on works as a sort of eternal life. God's Words say our salvation is not by works. (Eph.2:8-9)
He now becomes the ruler of the Roman Empire and chooses Christianity [35] as the best of religions and began to control the affairs of the Church. God's Word says that Jesus is supposed to be the head and control the Church. (Eph.1:22-23, Col.1:18) The Church was declining fast! (The "...locust...caterpillar...palmerworm" was taking it's toll. Joel.2:23-32) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Note: By the beginning of the 3rd. Century, Biblical interpretation was greatly influenced by the Catechetical School of Alexandria, which had become the great melting pot of Greek philosophy and Judaism. Origen was the chief representative of this School and DID NOT believe in the Deity of Christ. (i.e. that Jesus Christ was God manifest in the flesh) Alexandria was a theological ferment where "philosophers attempted to fuse the doctrine of Christianity with the ideal's of Greek philosophy"Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia, 96 / Funk & Wagnalls Encyclopedia, Vol.1. p.372 (Review Phase 1)
L. By323 AD?A threatened split in the Christian Church[32]
This quarrel was over Arius (Arian) and the doctrine of the Godhead (i.e. the trinity). Arius was a priest of Alexandria that denied the Deity of Christ. (That Jesus was God manifest in the flesh (John.1:1-14; Matt.1:23; John.5:17-18; 17:1-5 / Isa.42:8, John.7:39; 14:15--26, Acts.2:1) As in the illustration of Samson, the Church was not to "come at no dead body" (Num.6:6, Judges.13:5, 1Cor.3:17; 6:15-20, James.4:1-4, 2Cor.11:1-3) Dead meaning, "dead works," (Heb.6:1, Eph.2:1) our self righteousness. Samson did not remain consecrated (separated) to God and neither did the Church. By the 2nd. Century the Church had become "entangled" [32]with "affairs in this life" (2Tim.2:3-4) and spiritually declining to the Dark Ages. ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Note: Not only was the Church forsaking truth, this Arian heresy was corrupting the scribes who were hand copying the Greek manuscripts and changing the Greek manuscripts leaving out words that proclaimed Jesus as Deity, and the creator of the worlds. (Remember: Every thing was hand copied because the printing press would not be invented until the 14th. century.
(Compare this time with the Church at Pergamos, (Rev.2:12-17) and the parable of the Fowls of the air lodging in the branches. (Matt.13:31-33)(Review Phase 1)
M. Constantine called for the Council of Nicaea. 325 AD.[32]
This was an ecumenical, or worldwide council of Bishops to correct the Arian heresy. (The denial of the Deity of Christ) The Nicene Council overwhelmingly condemned the Arian heresy, and drew up the "Nicene Creed." In spite of the (Nicene) council's decisions' the problem of Arianism was not solved for some decades. The Emperor Constantine II, Constantine's son, supported Arianism, as did Valens, one of his successors. This doctrine persisted until at least the 7th century. Arianism today, is held by Unitarians, Jehovah Witnesses. The next 300 years, all the Bishops in the Roman Catholic Church were Arian in belief.[34]
Like that of Samson's brethren, (Judges.15:9-10) the Church under the hand of Constantine, gave up truth to the Philistines. (i.e. the vain deceit, philosophy and traditions of men - Col.2:8, Matt.15:6) This would eventually lead the Church to the captivity of the "dark ages" as it did to Samson.
"Constantine, the wolf of paganism openly assumed the sheep's clothing of the Christian religion."[34]
N. 350 AD,Now Christianity is the religion of the state. (Rome)
Heathens (unsaved, unredeemed) were forced into the Church without being born again. Many heathen preferred to be called Christians rather than face the sword. Needless to say, the doctrine of Justification by Faith and the new birth were no longer emphasized.[32]
O. By392 AD,Theodosius He went even further when he outlawed heathen worship. It now came under penalty of death for any one to have any religious connection other than that of the established Roman Church.[32] _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Note:During the Dark Ages very little translation was attempted...the Word of God was locked up in the Latin tongue which was unknown to the common people. Thompson Chain Ref. Bible. Condensed Encyclopedia, p.181 Compare this time with the Church at Pergamos, (Rev.2:12-17) and the parable of the Fowls of the air lodging in the branches. (Matt.13:31-33) (Review Phase 1)