The Brazen (brass) Laver was the next piece of future in our approach to God (Exod.30:18). It was similar to a washing bowl (basin) because the purpose was for Aaron and his son's (the priesthood) to wash their hands and their feet before ministering at the Altar (Exod.30:17-21). The pattern called for the Laver to be placed between the tent (tabernacle) and the Brazen Altar (Exod.40:7). Each piece of furniture was to be placed exactly where God said because they were "signifying" (Heb.9:8) truth's in the "true tabernacle which the Lord pitched and not man" (Heb.8:1-5; 9:1-26).
A. The Brazen Laver was made of the looking glasses of the women
Looking glasses were the mirrors[11] of the women (Exod.38:8). James says the Word of God (the perfect law of liberty) is like a "glass," i.e. mirror(James.1:22-25). Paul, the "wise master builder" (architect) also uses "a glass" (mirror to describe the Word of God (1Cor.13:9-12; 2Cor.3:1-18, Note:v.18). As priests (2Peter.2:5) we look into the laver, i.e. The Word of God, and it reflects back tous what needs to be washed. This was daily (Exod.30:20; 27:21; 29:34, 39, 41; 30:7 "morning, evening, continual")! The pattern has not changed! The Word of God reflects back daily the "image" that God wants us to be conformed to (Rom.8:28-29).
B. The Laver was filled with water.
The purpose of having water was to wash (Exod.30:18). This is why the Ephesians (as a royal priesthood 1Peter.2:5) were told there needs to be the washing (a bath, laver, washing vessel) [64]of water by the word (Eph.5:26), that we might be "changed into the same image" (2Cor.3:18). This brings in the thought of holiness and putting off the old life (Rom.6:1-11, Eph.4:22). David wrote, "Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? or who shall stand in his holy place? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully (Psa. 24:3-5). This is a pattern,
If the Priest did not wash, he died (Exod.30:20). There were those in the 1st Century Church that did not allow the correction, i.e. the Word to wash them and they went into perdition (Jude.1:4, 11-13). They denied the Lord that bought them (2Peter.2:1-3). The same can happen to us if we refuse to daily "wash" with the "water of the Word" (Jam.1:22). Note: 2Thes.2:10-11, "because they received not the love of the truth", (i.e. refused to wash with the water of the Word) they will believe a lie. This can be seen in the kingdoms of this world today! D. The Laver and Water Baptism
The laver also carries the thought of Water Baptism because it is the next step in our approach to God. The Brazen Altar atoned for sin, but there was no atoning sacrifice offered in or on the Laver because the Brazen Laver brought separation after atonement. (Compare the Red Sea (Review: Phase 2, Page 1.VI, B and the Laver). Water Baptism is a burial. It is not being born again. Water Baptism "should" bring a distinct separation from our the old life just as the Red Sea brought a distinct separation from all the culture and systems of Egypt (Exod.14:13) for the "church in the wilderness". The same is true in the reality of Water Baptism (Rom.6:1-14).
E. Tabernacle floor plan / Laver and Church History (1500 - 1522 to 800 AD)
It was no accident that the Laver parallel's the time of the "Anabaptist" (Review: PHASE 2, Pages 4, 5, 6) / the re-baptizer's. This is the Spirit of God continuing to restore His Church according to the same pattern that He built into the 1st Century Church. (Note: How the Brazen Laver and Israel going through the Red Sea parallel each other. This demonstrates once again the consistency of God's "divine nature" (2Peter.1:4). Peter used the reality of this pattern when he told those that responded to his preaching on the day of Pentecost (Acts.2:38), "Repent (Reformation 1517 AD) and be baptized (Anabaptist 1522-1800's AD) every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ."
From this truth came the Baptist, Methodist, Evangelicals, Church of God and Christian Missionary Alliance denominations.(Review: Phase 2, Pages 1-2) Drive through your City, town and Community and you can see these Church buildings today. They all are a monument to the wisdom (1Cor.1:19-29; 2:1-14) of man rejecting the next move of God. History tells us (Review: PHASE 2, Pages 4, 5, 6) the Roman Catholic Church rejected the Lutheran, Presbyterian, Church of England, and they rejected the Anabaptists (Baptist, Methodist, Evangelicals, Church of God and Christian Missionary Alliance).
This was not God's purpose!His Purpose was to move with Him as He restored "the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm... had
F. Tabernacle floor plan and The Redemptive Week (Phase.3)
Since the time that "sin entered into the world" (Rom.5:12) through the fall of Adam, God has been working according to a Redemptive plan to "dwell" amongst us again as He did the garden (Rev.21:3, Hosea.2). He is following exactly the same pattern as the Tabernacle of Moses, because this is His "divine nature" (2Peter.1:4). It is who He is. He cannot deny Himself! (Review: The building Code / Phase 4 / Other related subjects)
The outer court had the "brazen" (brass) Laver. The Brazen / Brass Altar and the Laver parallel's the 1500 year period of time of the Law of Moses. (The 3rd. day to the of God's Redemptive Week)
a. Here are the reasons why the Laver was in the outer court
(1) It was the "brass" Laver
Brass foreshadows the judgment (Duet.28:15, 23, 1Cor 13:1-2) of the Law of Moses. "But sin, taking occasion by the commandment, wrought in me all manner of concupiscence. For without the law sin was dead. For I was alive without the law once: but when the commandment came, sin revived, and I died." (Rom.7:8-9)
(2) The Laver continues the path to "dwelling" in His presence
(2) It was the only place of animal sacrifices (None in the 5th, 6th, and 7th days)
When Jesus came, He came and stopped the "animal sacrifice and oblation to cease" (Dan.9:27), exactly as the building code (Blueprint, Pattern, Shadow, Type / "ensample") said. Note: The sacrifice and oblation (Exod.30:9) belonged in the outer court. (Before the Cross) Once again showing the consistency, reliability, the steadfastness, dependability of God's person. This is how God works. He "dwells" among these principles.
Note:Remember this Blueprint when you study the end times and the Book of Daniel
(4) There was no brass in the Holy place or the Most Holy Place.
There was in the Holy Place the Golden Candlestick (Exod.25:31), the Table of
Shewbread made of shittim wood overlaid with gold (Exod.25:23-30), and Golden Altar
of Incense, (Exod.40:5). The Boards of the Tabernacle (Sanctuary) had silver
sockets (Exod.26:19). These all point to the New Covenant / The 5th and 6th day.
The Bible speaks of Gold / Silver - 1Cor.3:12, 2Tim.2:20, 1Peter.1:7, 18, Exod.30:12,
Exod.38:25, Rev.3:18. Once again God is being faithful / consistent / trustworthy even
in the "jot"[65] and "tittle" [66]of the building materials. The outer court of brass (the Law of Moses) brings us to Christ(Gal.3:24, Rom.3:21-31, Heb.9:1-25; 10:1, Matt.5:17-19), preparing us for the Gold and Silver of the Holy place!