
This Phase begins our third witness[0] in establishing our blueprint. The first witness wasPHASE 2 (God's Purpose and Plan). The second witness was PHASE 4 (The Tabernacle of Moses), and now the third witnessis theof Feasts of Israel. These feasts foreshadow God's calendar for the Bride of Christ. This first feast day of Passover is a "shadow of things to come". (The one foreshadowed is Christ Col.2:16-17, 1 Cor.5:7-8). Passover was at the beginning of the year for the "church in the wilderness" (Exod.12:1-2, Acts.7:38). Christ offered 
Himself as the reality of Passover for us,
(1Cor.5:7-8, 1Peter.1:18-20) His church. This was the beginning for the1st Century Church. Accepting Christ, our Passover lamb, is our beginning as we are "born again." This was when Israel came out of Egypt as "a peculiar treasure ...and...a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation" (Exod.19:1-6). The same is true for the believer in Christ (1 Peter.2:5-9, Rev.1:6; 5:10). When we receive Christ, we are "penciled in" (so-to-speak) on God's calendar to be part of His Bride. I say "penciled in” because we have to allow ourselves to be made ready (Rev.19:7, Phil.1:6), according to God's Word. (To be continued....(See "site map" PHASE 8)

This chart combinesPHASE 2,PHASE 4, and the beginning of the Three Feasts of Israel (PHASE 8, 9 and 11).   

Click here for the next step (PHASE 9) as we "press (individually and the Church, the Body Christ universally) towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus" (Phil.1:14) is the Bride of Christ.



The Feast of Passover

Phase 8 | Cover Page

The End Times Explained | Bibleteachingonline101.net                                                                                                                 Phase 8 / Cover Page