Jerusalem after the Cross (Zech.14:16-21)

OUR TEXT: It "shall come to pass, that every one that is left of all the nations which came against
Jerusalem  shall even go up from  year to year  to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, and to keep the feast of tabernacles. And it shall be, that whoso will not come up of all the families of the earth unto Jerusalem to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, even upon them shall be no rain.  And if the family of Egypt go not up, and come not, that have no rain; there shall be the plague, wherewith the Lord will smite the heathen that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles.
This shall be the punishment of Egypt, and the punishment of all nations that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles. In that day shall there be upon the bells of the horses, Holiness Unto The Lord; and the pots in the Lord's house shall be like the bowls before the altar. Yea, every pot in
Jerusalemand inJudahshall be holiness unto the Lord of hosts: and all they that sacrifice shall come and take of them, and seethe therein: and in that day there shall be no more the Canaanite in the house of the Lord of hosts."(Zech.14:16-21)

I.   A brief outline of the history of Jerusalem before the Cross
See the History of the earthly / Natural City of Jerusalem)


      Before the Cross (New Covenant) God's presence went "from tent (Tabernacle of Moses) to tent" (1Chron.17:5)
Tabernacle ofDavid) then to Solomon's Temple (which included the ark, and the tabernacle of the congregation,
      and all the holy vessels that were in the tabernacle, these did the priests and the Levities bring up."in the City of  
(2Chron.5:5) This structure / habitation ("made by hand") Solomon's Temple) had God's name    
(Exod,20:22-24, Deut.12:5)

      A.  This continued to be "the place" from
Solomon until Zedekiah because of the Covenant that God made
            with David,
(1Kings.11:1-43, Note:v.32-36) even though they had corrupted themselves.(2Chron.5-36)

Jeremiah prophesied during the reign of Amon, (2Chron.33:20-25)  Josiah, (2Chron.34:1-33)  Jehoackin,
(2Chron.36:5-8) Jehoachin, (2Chron.36:9-10) and Zedekiah (2Chron.36:11-21, Jer.1:1-3) that the House of Judah
  (Jews) would be delivered into Babylonian captivity and Jerusalem would be burned and the Temple destroyed.
            (Jer.25-29, 2Chron.36:11-21)

Ezekiel saw the glory lift from of the Temple. (Eze.10:16-18; 11:23)

      D.  God discipline the House of Judah by allowing the Babylonian Captivity for
70 years. (2Chron.36:21 / Lev.25:1-7)

      E.  After the
70 years were complete, "the Lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of
           Persia, and he (Cyrus) released them (the House of Judah...Benjamin, and the
           priests) "restore and to build Jerusalem" and the House of God that had been
           burned and the walls that had been broken.
(2Chron.36:13-20, 22-23,
            Ezra.1:1:1-6, Dan.9:25)

   F.  This was important becauseDaniel's people could count threescore and two
(62) "unto the revealing of Messiah (JESUS) the Prince.
      1.  During this waiting period of
62 weeks (434 years)
a.  The City / Temple (Sanctuary) that had been had been restored, (
                        2Chron.36:22, Ezra.1:5-10, Neh.1-13)
was "cast down" (Dan.8:11)(Dan.11:31)
                 b.  The "daily sacrifice (on the Altar at the Temple in the City of Jerusalem) was
                      taken away"

                 c.  Vile person comes against (not breaking) "the "holy covenant" and the
                      sanctuary desolated.
           2.  This time period is an uninspired time - No prophetic voice of God. Malachi was the last Prophet.
                 a.  The Septuagint and Apocrypha written during this time (270-50 BC)
[1] written during this time
                 b.  This is where the Synagogues came into being
                 c.  The Pharisees and Sadducces
                 d.  Book of Maccabees / Maccabaean /revolt (167 BC)
                 e.  The House of Judah (Jews) had already had already added their commentaries, traditions to the
                      Law of Moses which was the (
Torah, Oral Torah, Talmud, Mishrash, Mishnan, Gemara)

      G. This silence is broken by John the Baptist towards the end of waiting 434 years, (62 Weeks) when Herod's
           Temple was (19 BC)

  H.  Then  Jesus (The Word made flesh
John.1:1-18)came in God's appointed time (1Peter.1:18-20) as our
  Passover Lamb(1Cor.5:7-8, Col.2:16-17) fulfilling the Law (Rom.8:1-4) and redeeming us from sin by putting
           us in Him.
(Matt.5:17-17, Rom.5:10-21 / Note: "one man Adam" v.15-21, "one man Jesus the last Adam"

           1.  Moses said, "A
prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto me; him
                shall ye hear in all things whatsoever he shall say unto you. (about the earthly Temple) And it shall come
                to pass, that every soul, which will not hear that
prophet, (JESUS / MESSIAH) shall be destroyed from
                among the people."
(Acts.3:22 / Deut.18:15, John.8:56-59, 1Chron.17:1-15 / Acts.2:29-30)
                a.   Jesus said, I have not come to destroy what Moses (Law) or the Prophets, but to fulfill.
                      (1)  Jerusalem is
still the place where God's name is recorded, but in it's fulfillment(Heb.12:18-22)
                      (2)  The Temple is
still the center of the City in it's fulfillment(Matt.16:18, Eph.2:20-22. 1Peter.2:5)
                b.   Jesus did not say He had come to fulfill what His people (the house of Judah / Jews
John.1:11) had
                      made the Law into with their traditions. (Look at these examples;
Torah / Oral Torah / Talmud/
MishananGemera) Matt.15:6-9 Jesus said, that these writings make "the commandment [5]
                      of God of none effect (vain / useless v.6) by your traditions"
(Matt.13:10-17; 15:1-9)   
c.   What did Jesus sayconcerning the earthly Jerusalem and the Temple? (This is our focus)

                      (1)  Jesus said, "You have made my House (the earthly Temple) a den of thieves and you
scribes and
Pharisees are a reproach and have caused God's name to be blasphemed. (Matt.21:13, Mark.11:15,
                              Matt.23:1-39, Rom.1:23-29)

                      (2)  Jesus said, "Oh Jerusalem you
missed your time of visitation(Luke.19:44; 13:34, Acts.7:1-50)
      Note: This was part of the covenant 
that Jesus confirmed during His 3 1/2 years of ministry when
                            "He (JESUS / MESSIAH
Dan.9:26, John.1:41; 4:25) came unto His own. (Dan.9:27, Gal.3:16-17/ Gal.3:29,
                               Eph.2:11-19, Rom.15:8)

                      (3)  Jesus said to His own, it's is your (Jewish) House / Temple (which Herod
[6] built with all it's man
                            made additions to the structure) "will be
left desolate(Matt.23:36)...not one stone left upon another
                               (Matt.23:36-39; 24:1-4, 15-22 / Dan.9:26-27, Mark.13:14-23, Luke.21:21-24)

                          (a)  Because you have
rejected the blood of the covenant (Heb.10:26-31)
                             (b)  And there "remaineth" (remains)
no more sacrifice for sin that God 
. (Heb.10:26)
                      (4)  Jesus continued to
confirm the covenant to "his own" (John.1:11) but was
                             cut off / crucified / as our
Passover Lamb(1Cor.5:7-8) "in the midst of the  
Weeki.e. after 3 1/2 years of confirmation.
Jesus was buried and then
                             resurrected and began to built the Church (Temple / House / Sanctuary)
                             of God began to build the Church.
(Matt.16:18, Eph.5:25, Eph.2:1-22)

                             Note the things included in this confirmation

                             (a)  Jesus
confirmed that He was the Messiah that Abraham, (John.8:56,
Moses, (Deut.18:15, John.1:45) David (1Chron.17:1-15, Acts.2:30) prophesied about
                             (b)  This
confirmation would include the Jew and Gentile would be made one in Christ. (Eph.2:1-22;
       3:1-12) Note: "of the twain (two, Jew and Gentile) make ONE NEW MAN"/ SAINTS
                             (c)  This
confirmation would include Jesus (the last Adam 1Cor.15:45) building His Church (that
                                   included Jew and Gentile together
(Eph.2:1-22; 3:1-12) to become His Bride (Eve) / The New     
Jerusalem. (Matt.16:18, Gal.1:11-12, Eph.5:21-32, Heb.11:8-9; 12:18-22 / Rev.21:9-27)

II.  Jerusalem / Temple / House of God / Sanctuary after the Cross

      While the New Testament Church was going forward in the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit, (Acts /   
       1 AD-70 AD
) the earthly
Temple in Jerusalemcontinued  in all it's corruption, still looking for Messiah to come
(Review: I. H. c. 1-4)  History tells us that
the Vail (that God "rent[7]in twain (two) [8]" Matt.27:50-51, Heb.10:19-25)
      was repaired and hung back up
[9] in the Temple (Herod's Temple) and they (the House of Judah / Jews / the
      children of the flesh of Abraham
Rom.9:1-8) ignored the fact that God's presence was not there.

      A.  They were left with a dead "form of godilness"
            It had to be a deliberate / willful act to rehang the Vail
            and ignore that fact that God's presence was not there.

      B.  Review:The Vail / Most Holy Place

C.  FINALLY: Their [10] House / Temple(Review: I. H. 3)
          was destroyed
in 70 AD (not one stone left upon another)
           as the prophet Daniel prophesied
(Dan.9:26) and Jesus
confirmed it (Matt.23:36-39; 24:1-3, 15-22)
never to be built again.[11]

             Note: This was 70 years of defiance (open resistance; bold disobedience) after the Vail was rent.
(Matt.27:50-51, Heb.9:1-28; 10:1-31)

    D.  After the Cross "The Most High dwelleth not (does not dwell) in "temples made with hands"  

           The first dwelling was the Tabernacle of Moses, then the Tabernacle of David, THEN "Solomon built him an
           house / Temple
(1Chron.17:1-15) Howbeit (in the New Covenant) the most High dwelleth not (does not
           dwell) in the earthly The Tabernacle of Moses, or the earthly Tabernacle of David, or in the earthly Temple
           of Solomon.
(Acts.7:47-50; 17:24)  NOW God is building His Church(Eve) into a habitation (dwelling place) of
           God through the Spirit".
(Matt.16:18, Eph.2:1-22; 5:25)

          1.   Temple / House / Sanctuary is fulfilled in the Body of Christ(John.2:18-20, Matt.5:17-19)
                Jesus...said unto them, Destroy this temple, (His Body
John.2:19-21) and in three days I will raise it up.
                Then said
the Jews, Forty and six years was this temple in building, and wilt thou rear it up in three days?
                But he (Jesus) spake of the temple of his body.

                (a)  The first thing the Jews thought of was the natural.
                      They were "minding"
(Rom.8:7) the natural, "forty and six (46) years was this
                      Temple in building.
(Ezra / Nehemiah Dan.9:25-26) Nicodemus, "a ruler of the Jews) said,
                      "how can a man be born when he is old?"
(John.3:4) The woman at the well was
debating over the natural place to worship. Jesus said, we need to worship in
                      Spirit and Truth.
(John.4:24) The two on the way to Erasmus were thinking they
                      would be delivered "naturally" from Roman rule.
(Luke.24:13-45, 1Cor.2:14)

                (b)  Jesus is the head of the body, the church / House of God / Sanctuary / Temple
                      "that in all things He (Jesus) might have the preeminence."
(Col.1:17, Eph.1:22-23,

                (c)  After the Cross we (the Church) are being "built
(Matt.16:18, 1Cor.3:10-15) upon
                      the foundation
[14] of the apostles and prophets, which is Jesus Christ himself
                      being the chief corner stone;
                      (1)  In whom all the building
(Matt.16:18) fitly framed together growth (growing up) unto an holy
in the Lord: In whom ye also are builded (built) together for an habitation of God through
                             the Spirit.
                      (2)  This "Temple of God" will bethe completed (finished / perfected)  and measured in Revelation.
  (Rev.11:1, Eph.4:11-16)
                      (3)  Peter says, "we (the Church) are "lively (living) stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy
                             priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ."
                      (4)  This is why Jesus "said unto them, (The apostles) while I was yet with you, that all things must be
(Matt.5:17-19) which were written in the law of Moses, (The Tabernacle Moses, Tabernacle
                             of David, and Solomon's Temple) and in the prophets,
[12] and the Psalms "concerning" Himself
                             which is the sufferings of Christ and the Glory
(1Peter.1:10-12) / (restitution / restoration should
                             follow. "
                      (5)  Then Jesus opened he their understanding, that they might understand these scriptures.
(Luke.24:44-45) and said,
                             (a)  "I have yet many things to say unto you, (about the Law, Prophets and Psalms / especially the    
                                    Temple in Jerusalem) but ye cannot bear (understand) them now.
(John.16:10-15, Luke.24:49)
                             (b)  Howbeit when He, the Spirit of truth, is come on the day of Pentecost
(Acts.1:1) He will guide you
                                    (apostles) into all truth: for He shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever He shall hear, that shall
                                    He speak: and He will shew you things to come.
(1Cor2:9-10) He shall glorify me: for he
                                    shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you.

                                    Note: Look at how the "Spirit of truth" (Holy Spirit) received of Jesus, and lead the apostles
                                    (Paul, Peter, James) about Jerusalem and the Temple after the Day of Pentecost

III.  Now there are two "Jerusalem's" ("Earthly" and "Heavenly")

        A.  The "earthly" Temple made with hands (Reviewed point I.H.c.1-4)

             1.  This earthly  Temple (in Jerusalem) [6a] had become a den of thieves(Matt.21:13, Mark.11:15)
             2.  This earthly  Temple (in Jerusalem) had missed
[6b]their time of visitation(Luke.19:44; 13:34, Acts.7:1-50)
             3.  This earthly  Temple (in  Jerusalem) had become their (Jewish) House / Temple (which Herod
[6c] built
                  with all it's
man made additions to the structure)
             4.  Jesus said before He went to the Cross that this earthly Temple (in Jerusalem) will be "left desolate"   
(Matt.23:36)...not one stone left upon another" because of their (the Jewish Nation) rejection of Christ,
                  The Messiah.
(Matt.23:36-39; 24:1-4, 15-22 / Dan.9:26-27, Mark.13:14-23, Luke.21:21-24)
             5. To further confirm God's rejection of their House is when He rent (split or sever (literally or figuratively):
                  —break, divide, open, rend, make a rent.) the Veil in twain (in two) from the top to the bottom
        (Matt.27:50-51) God's presence had gone. In fact the apostle Paul describes
             6.  Then approximately 70 years later the earthly Temple and City (Jerusalem) was destroyed. Since this
                     time unto our present day (2019 AD) there has been no earthly Temple in Jerusalem and there is no
                      promise from God to rebuild.
                      (1)  In fact
Rev.11:1-8 says the spiritual condition of the city (earthly Jerusalem) in the tribulation time
                             "where our Lord was crucified", will be as  Sodom and Egypt.
                      (2)  It is also compared to Hagar and Ishmael by the apostles doctrine
(Acts.2:42, Gal.4:21-31,
                               Rom.9:1-33; 10:1-3)  

B.  The heavenly Jerusalem made without hands "whose builder and maker is God"
              But ye (you) /
The Church the Body of Christ) are come unto mount Sion, (Zion) and unto the city of the
              living God, the heavenly Jerusalem...the Bride that Lamb's wife. To the church of the firstborn, (that Jesus
              the firstborn is building) Jesus the mediator (High Priest) of the New Covenant, and to the blood of 
              sprinkling that speaketh (speaks) better things than that of Abel.
(Heb.12:18-22, Gal.4:21-28, Heb.12:22,
               Heb.11:8-10, Rev.3:12; 21:2,10)

              1.  We (the Church, the Body of Christ are to "seek"/ set your affection on those things which  are above
      (Eph.2:6-9) The New Jerusalem / The Bride, The Lambs wife(Rev.21:9-10) where Christ sitteth (sits
on the right hand of God. "Not on things on the earth." (i.e. The earthly Jerusalem) (Col.3:1-3) 
                    Paul writes,
(Gal.1:11-12, 2Tim.3:16-17) "tell  me, ye that desire to be under the law,[15] (or you that want
                  a rebuilt earthly Temple in Jerusalem
) do ye not hear the law?  For it is written, that Abraham had two
                    sons, the one by a bondmaid, (Hagar) the other by a freewoman. (Sarah)

              2.  These are the two covenants

                   a.  One Covenant from the mount Sinai, (The Old Covenant) which gendereth
                        (brings forth)
[16] bondage, which is Agar / Hagar (Gen.15:1-15; 16:1-16; 21:1-12,

                        (1)  For this Agar (Hagar) is mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth (corresponds)
[17]to Jerusalem which now is, [00] and is in bondage with her children.
                               (a)  No flesh is justified by the Law that was given at Mt. Sinai.
The Law / Sinai
                                      / Jerusalem / Temple were all in bondage under the Law
                                         7:7-14, Gal.5:1)

                               (b)  Ishmael was of the bondwoman Agar (Hagar) was born after the flesh.
                                     Sinai - No one justified by the Law (No flesh
Rom.3:19-3, Gal.4:29)
                               (c)  The Galatian Churches
(Gal.3:1-11) Removed from Christ unto "another
                                      gospel which is NOT another."
(Gal.1:6, 2Cor.11:1-15)
                               (d)  The Hebrew Christians were slipping into works
(Heb.2:1-18; 5:11-14; 9:1-28; 10:1-10, 26-31)
                        (2)  Hagar / Ishmael - Product of the flesh / human reasoning / man's wisdom
                               (a)  God gave Abraham the promise of a son / God gave a promise to to the Church at Jerusalem
    (Acts.1:1-4 / John.14:26; 16:10-15 Note: Promise of the Father)
                               (b)  Sarah (Abraham's wife) tried to help God out
(Gen.16:1-14; 18:1-16, Gal.4:28) Isaac / Promise /
                               (c)   Pharisees that believed - Need to keep the Law and be circumcised as well being
                               (b)  God was faithful and brought the promise to reality.
(Gen.21:1-10 / Gal.4:30)
                        (4)  Ishmael - Born out of the flesh
(Gal.4:29, 1Cor.1:19-29; 2:1-14, Rom.3:22; 8:6-8)
                        (5)  Ishmael was not God's purpose / Not to stay at Jerusalem / Sinai
(Matt.28:19-20, Acts.1:8Rom.9-11)
                        (6)  Ishmael "mocked" God's promise as it came to pass / Antioch happened but the Church at
                               Jerusalem, remained at Jerusalem
(Acts.15:1-15 REVIEW: PHASE 2
                        (7)  Ishmael was the "firstborn" with all it's privileges,
(Rom.9:1-8, Exod.4:22) But he (Ishmael / those
                               that are the flesh of Abraham
Rom.9:7-8) "mocked" Isaac (the Church Gal.4:28) who was given
                               the birthright.
(Matt.21:33-43, Rom.9:25-26 / Hosea.2:23 / Rom.2:28-29
                              Note: Israel was
"broken off" (as Ishmael and Esau was) and blindness has happened
                               unto them (Paul's kinsmen after the flesh
Rom.9:1-3, 2Cor.3:1-16) until the times (or the
full number of the Gentiles be gathered in  (Rom.11:25, 2Cor.3:1-18)  
Review: PHASE 5. Page.6 Daniel's Visions


                    b. The other Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother (Sarah) of us all because he (Isaac)
                         was of the free woman (Sarah) was by promise. Now we, brethren, (Church) as Isaac was, are the
                      children of promise.
(Rom.9:8) But as then he that was born after the flesh (Ishmael/Children of the
                        flesh of Abraham / Jews /
Daniel's people)  persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so it is
                        now. Nevertheless what saith the scripture?
(Gal.4:30, Gen.21:10)

  (1)  Cast out the bondwoman (Hagar) and her son: (Ishmael) for the son of the bondwoman
                               (Hagar) shall not be heir with the son (Isaac) of the free woman. (Sarah)
                        (2)   So then, brethren, we are not children of the bondwoman, (Agar / Ishmael / Flesh) but of the
                               free. (Sarah / Isaac / Promise)
                        (3)   We (the Church, the Body of Christ) have "come unto the city of the living God, the heavenly /
                               The Jerusalem which is above / New Jerusalem / The Bride
(Heb.12:22, Gal.4:, Heb.11:8-10)
                        (4)   Abraham look for Jesus,
(John.8:56-58)the bridegroom(Matt.9:15)and the Bride, (Eph.5:21-32)
                               The heavenly City.
(Heb.11:8-10, Rev.21:1-21)
                        (5)   Jesus (The Bridegroom) said, "I will build my Church"
(Matt.16:18, Psa.127:1-2)not a earthly
                            Temple, but a "spiritual
Temple for a habitation of God by the Spirit."
(Matt.18:16 / John.16:10-15,
                                  Eph.2:20-22 / Gal.1:11-12, Luke.24:44-45)

                               Note:  Jesus said, "I have yet many to say unto you," but you cannot bear (understand) them now
                               while I am confirming the Covenant (Old Testament) to the forefathers about Jerusalem and the
(John.1:11; 10-16 / Gal.3: Rom.15:8, Rom.11:28)

IV.  The Prophets spoke of this Glorious Church (Temple)
        NOW God is going fromfilling the Old Testament Temple (former house) with His glory
        to filling His New Testament Temple / latter house / Church / Body of Christ
with a "greater" glory.

        A.  The Prophet
[12]Haggai spoke of this

             He prophesied of the New Testament "In the
seventh month, in the one and
             twentieth day of the month, came the word of the Lord by the prophet Haggai,

              (Haggai.1:1, Ezra.5:1-1)
             1.  Who is left among you that saw this house (the Temple / House / Sanctuary
                  that they were restoring) in her first glory? (referring to Solomon's Temple)

                   Haggai.2:9, 2Chron.5:1-14
, 1Kings.10:24)
             2.  How do ye see it now?
(Haggai.2:3, Ezra.3:8-13)  "It" meaning The Temple
                  that had been restored after the Babylonian captivity
2Chron.36:21, Jer.29:10-11)
             3.  Is it notin your eyes in comparison of itas nothing?
         4.  Yet now be strong, O Zerubbabel, saith the Lord; and be strong, O Joshua,
                  on of Josedech, the high priest;
(1Chron.3:19, Ezra.2:2; 3:2,8; 4:2-3; 5:2) and
                  be strong, all ye people of the land, saith the Lord, and work: for I am with
                  you, saith the Lord of hosts:
According to the word that I covenanted with
                  youwhen ye came out of Egypt. (Haggai.2:5, Exod.25-40, Heb.10:15-17,
                   2Cor.3:1-18, Matt.5:17-19)

             5.  Haggai continues, "so my spirit remaineth (remains) among you: fear ye not. (Haggai.2:5, Jer.29:10-11,
They were right on course (because of Covenant) even though they would not live long
                   enough to see it. They were part of a GREAT MASTER PLAN of REDEMPTION.

                  a.  Yet once, it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land;
                       And I will shake all nations.
(Haggai.2:6-7, Heb.12:25-29)
                  b.  And the desire of all nations shall come. Note:
Isa.2:1-4 He prophesied this also
                  c.  And I will fill this house with glory, saith the Lord of hosts.
No recorded of this happening before the Cross / Ezra / Nehemiah / Time of Greece / Dan.8, 10-11
                       Follow the Bible record and you will see that the earthly Temple made with hands, NEVER attained
                       to what Solomon had. (This is another reason why the "latter House" is not an earthly Temple
                       made with hands because...
                 d.  Haggai said, It will be a
greater Glory filled Temple than Solomon built (Haggai.2:9 / Acts.7:47-48)
                       It will be a Glorious Church (a Glory filled Church) a habitation for God requiring it to be perfect,
                       "not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish."

                       (Eph.5:26-27) "This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church." (Eph.5:32)
    The "latter house" / Temple / Sanctuary

                       Note:  Jesus said He was the "
greater" builder than Solomon is here" (Matt.12:42 / Isa.2:1-4 /
Therefore the glory of this latter house (Haggai.2:9) can ONLY be referring to the
[13]There is no other House of God that is or will be greater than of the former.




        B.  The Prophet Isaiah spoke of this (Isa.2:1-4)
             The word that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw
concerning Judah and Jerusalem. And
             it shall come to pass  in the
last days, that the mountain
[18] of the Lord's house
             shall be established in the top of the mountains,
[19] and shall be exalted above
hills; and all nations shall flow unto it.
[20] And many people shall go and say,
             Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God
             of Jacob
; and He (God) will teach us,
[20] his ways, and we will walk in his paths:
             for out of
Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem."

[20] And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many
             people: and
they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into
: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they
             learn war any more. (Solomon was a man of peace / enemies sudued


       C.  The Prophet Ezekiel spoke of this

             Afterward (after the cloud had lifted from the Temple
Eze.10:18) he brought me
             to the gate, even the gate that looketh toward the east: And,
behold, the glory of
             the God of Israel came
from the way of the east: and his voice was like a noise of
             many waters: and  the earth shined with his glory. And it was according to the
             appearance of the vision which I saw, even
according to the vision that I saw when
             I came to destroy the city: and the visions were like the vision that I saw by the river
             Chebar; and I fell upon my face. And
the glory of the Lord came into the houseby
             the way of the gate whose prospect is toward the east.

Psalm 122:5-7
For there are set thrones of judgment, the thrones of the house of David. (Acts.2:30-)
6 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: (but which Jerusalem?) they shall prosper that love thee. (This was to promise to Abraham (which we / the Church) is blessed with fathful Abraham) are
7 Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces.



Why pray for
the peace of
an earthly

when Jesus
said it is Sinai,
Hagar, Ishmael

This is the ONLY place in scriptures that speak of a restoration of the earthly Temple in Jerusalem. It was during the time of Ezra and Nehemiah which was before the Cross. There is NONE after the Cross

"...the prophets have enquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you...when it (The Holy Spirit) testified beforehand the...

Sufferings of Christ,
He hath so fulfilled
and the Glory that should follow.

Jesus gave Himself for the Church that she will be present as a "Glorious Church" as pictured by the former house, Solomon's Temple
. (1Peter.1:10-12, Acts.3:18-24)

This  Glory of the latter House is in accordance with the covenant the God made with Israel when they came out of Egypt. (Haggai.2:5) Note: Daniel's People, the House of Judea and Israel and The Olive Tree

Old Testament (Before the Cross)                .                    New Testament (After the Cross)                                                 

There NOTHING WRONG  with the Law "For we know that the Law is spiritual: but I am carnal, SOLD UNDER SIN."This is why we need to be "born again" into Christ  who is the ONLY one that can keep the Law (2Cor.5:17, Gal.4:21-31, Rom.9:1-33)

"...the prophets have enquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you...when it (The Holy Spirit) testified beforehand the...

Sufferings of Christ, and the Glory that should follow.
(1Peter.1:10-12, Acts.3:18-24)

"builder and maker" (Heb.11:8-9) Not made with hands or imagination.

The Law (The Tabernacle that includes The Ark of the Covenant) is given to bring us to Christ If we teach that God will still honor and receive these things that cannot take away sin) then we are ignoring / rejecting God'spurpose. We are establishing our own self righteousness (Rom.10:3, Isa.64:6)  instead of Christ's righteousness. (2Cor.5:17-21)


NOTE:The Temple and Jerusalem a in seperable according to the Pattern given to Moses . Rev.11 There is a Temple of God and there is a natural / earthly City of Jerusalem but it is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt

Note: Even when the animals sacrifices were accepted by God "until the the time of reformation"
David says, "in burnt offer-
ngs and sacrifices for sin thou (you) God had no pleasure" because they
could NEVER take away sin. 
(Heb.9:1-10; 10:1-10)