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The Glory of the


of the Spirit


Begin Here

  The first Adam was put to sleep / gave
  himself for Eve so she would be a help

Dragon cast out

Can you see that the Tabernacle and Temple are an "ensample" of God's ORIGINAL PURPOSE (THE CHURCH) from which comes the Bride

This is a Great Mystery

in heaven


     In the beginning God has had a "hidden purpose /
    The Lamb / Bridegroom.
(John.1:1-4, 2Cor.4:4, Eph.2:1-22;    
     3:1-2, 1Peter.1:18-20)

 This is why did Paul wrote to the Corinthian Church, "I am jealous over you with  Godly  jealousy for I have espoused
 you to 
one husband, (JESUS / Bridegroom / The Last Adam) that I may present (Eph.5:27) you as a chaste virgin to Christ.
 (The last Adam 
1Cor.15:45-46, Rom.5:14-21, Matt.1:17, Phil.2:5-11) But I fear, lestby any means,  as the serpent beguiled â€‹   Eve through his subtilty, so your mindshould be
corrupted from the  simplicity (singleness) that is  in Christ."  (2Cor.
NOTE: Eve was not presented to the first Adam UNTIL she was was complete / finished / perfected. (Gen.2:22) The  
 SAME will be true for the "glorious Church" (the last Eve
2Cor.11:3, Eph.3:1-12; 5:21-32)

This (being a chaste virgin)is a great mystery!       
                                  which will be finished before Jesus returns
                                            (Acts.3:18-24, Rev.10:7; 11:15, Lev.21:10-15, Matt.5:17-19, Heb.3:1)













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Jesus / Word / All things were made by Him / Light / shine in darkness (John.1:1-5, 2Cor.4:1-6)

Details of chart PHASE 10


"from the beginning
of the world

The apostle Paul / Peter write

"For this cause" of
being built an

Temple, made without hands(Matt.16:18, John.2:18-20, Mark.14:58, Eph.2:11-22, 1Peter.2:5)

God by revelation (Gal.1:11-12) has made known unto me (Paul  Eph.2:1-22; 3:1-12 the mystery of Christ) Which in other ages (generations)
[0] was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit;

That the Jew and the Gentiles should be fellow heirs,
(both reconciled in CHRIST)


Peter says, God has "put no difference between us (The Jews) and them (the Gentile)
(Acts.15:1-11, Gal.3:28)

and partakers of his promise in Christ by the gospel:

which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ:

Mark.14:58, Acts.7:47-48; 24:17, 1Peter.2:5, Eph.2:11-22; 3:1-12

        God took one of Adam's ribs and made Eve
        After finishing (completing) Eve, God "brought
        her unto the man"/ Presented.
        Bone of my bones

The Jew "outwardly"............   .................................The Jew "inwardly

A people from a people as foreshadowed by the Bride for Isaac "from my kindred" (Gen.) This iswhere we are at TODAY!Espoused (engaged) and being formed as a Bride as Eve was. "Bone of my bones"to be presented to himself (Eph.5:21-32)

                The types, shadows, figures, examples

From Adam to Moses sin was not imputed


The End Times Explained |                                                                                                                                                     Cover page

What are you looking at as the day approaches?(Heb.10:25)

Are you looking the condition of the world today (like Lot
Luke.17:26-29) or do you have God-given vision as
Noah did
(Matt.24:36-39) who "By faith...being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith. (Heb.11:7) The chart below is what we should expect "as the Day approaches"

       On the sixth day God created man (the first
        Adam was first form / a "figure of Him that
        was to come" Created in God's image)

       Rom.5:14; 8:28-29, 2Cor.3:1-18, 1Tim.2:13







to the earth



to the pattern

JESUS IS COMING BACK when God's Purpose has finished / complete. As in the "figure". Eve was finished and complete BEFORE she was brought to (or presented) to the first Adam. That is why we are waiting

Can you see the dividing line between the Old and New Covenants / Testaments. It is THE CROSS. Clearly God intended for the House of Judah / Jews were to accept Christ and into Him along with the Gentiles / Nations

But they didn't and were broken off from the "Good (cultivated) Olive Tree with the promise of being grafted back (Redeemed by Christ's blood) into the "good (cultivated) olive tree which now includes the Gentiles.

Can you see that the Tabernacle and Temple are an "ensample" of God's ORIGINAL PURPOSE (THE CHURCH) from which comes the Bride




        From this Marriage came a man child "gotten
        from the Lord" (Fruitful / Multiply Gen.1:26-28
         Gotten a man from the Lord / Purpose "intent"

(Eph.2:1-22; 3:1-12; 4:1-16; 5:32)

SOLID COLORbackground with white letter's is completed study SOLID WHITE background with PHASE NUMBERS are not complete, only a Cover Page

This future(Rev.4:1-2) woman not appointed to the wrath. She a married woman because she is with child / a child

of light...she spiritually wide awake...
she is not drunken...
sober...has put on the breastplate of faith and love...helmet...hope
of salvation

               The Church is to be a help meet / not alone

THEN the Spiritual / Marriage

Details of chart PHASE 10

THE FOCUS IS CHRIST who was foreordained as the Lamb of God many years before there was a "JEW" ot THE LAW OF MOSES

The Spiritual Building / Bride (Eve) made without hands

in the OLD COVENANT (Rom.15:4, 2Tim.3:16-17)


The Word became flesh and dwelt amongst  us. God is using the same pattern as He did with the first Adam and Eve before sin entered the world. (John.1-14, Rom.5:10-15, 1Cor.15:45-46)

     Not good that man should be alone

End Times Explained |                                                                                                                           (Designed for Laptop and desktop)

Looking beyond (skipped over) to

what the Law was foreshadowing

The Reality / fulfillment / according

     In the beginning God (Gen.1:1, 1John.5:7-8)

 It is clear to see that God is redeeming mankind back to Himself according to the "FIGURE" (i.e. Pattern) /blueprint
 that He used with the "FIRST" Adam. This is THE CONTEXT of "the matter" / THE WHOLE BIBLE
(Prov.18:13; 29:18)    
 "Without a (God-given / God-inspired) vision, the people perish (dwell aimlessly) just as Lot dwelt aimlessly,
 looking at "THE THINGS WHICH ARE SEEN" (the unlawful deeds of Sodom
2Peter.2:1-22, 2Cor.4:18). This "vexed"
 (to tire down with toil, exhaust with labor) his righteous soul. Lot's life (i.e. everyday living was built of wood, hay  
 and stubble. No preparation
(1Cor.3:10-15) Contrast this with Noah who "by faith PREPARED (Built) AN ARK (which points to Gold, Silver and precious stones (1Cor.3:10-15) was warned of God OF THINGS NOT AS SEEN YET..." (Heb.11:7, 1Cor.2:9-14, 2Cor.4:18)



 Look at the "figure" of the first Adam (Gen.1:26-31)

These are the events
       that must take place "as  we seen the day
(The Second Coming) approaching"

A figure of heaven. God in Heaven has pattern this "hid" in Himself before the foundation of the world. "If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth."
(Col.3:1-2, Matt.6:10, Matt.6:33)

The Tabernacle made with hands was NOT the purpose, the purpose is what it foreshadows. The Tabernacle was  "a schoolmaster (Tudor / teacher) so we can understand those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.

"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth" (Gen.1:1)

Before the "foundation (beginning) of the World (the earthEph.3:1-12, 1Peter.1:18-20) God the Father, the Word and
the Holy Ghost
(Matt.28:19, John.1:1-14, 1John.5:7-8) had a foreordainedpurpose(AGREAT MYSTERYEph.5:32). Paul says it was"hid"(Prov.25:1-2)in God. (John.17:24, Eph.1:4; 2:1-22; 3:1-12, Phil.4:3, 1Peter.1:18-20, Rev.13:8; 17:8)THIS GREAT  MYSTERY wasthat the JEW (the children of the flesh of Abraham Rom.9:8) and the GENTILE (The rest of mankind / Nations) would be RECONCILED INCHRIST. (The Seed of the Woman Gen.3:15, MessiahDan.9:26, LAST ADAM (1Cor.15:45, Rom.5:14, the LAMB OF GOD (John.1:29, 4), ONE NEW MAN(1Cor.13:9-12, Eph.2:1-22; 3:1-12)

ThisONE NEW MAN (those in Christ) is being made ready (John.17:22, 1Cor.13:9-12, Eph.4:11-16; 5:21-32) to be presented  to Himself JESUS the last Adam a "glorious (Glory filled) Church, a BRIDE as (the first) "EVE" was to the "first Adam."(Eph.5:21-32, 2Cor.11:1-3) (Gen.2:21, Eph.5:25) Not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing;but that it should be holy and without blemish."


From Christ's side flowed Blood / water. For the last 2,000 years (2 Days) God has been building / the Church / Eve / to be brought to (presented) to the man Christ Jesus / who gave Himself.           (Gen.2:21,)

Man child / fruit of Marriage / Purpose "intent"
"Hid in God from the foundation of the World
(Eph.2:1-22; 3:1-12, Rev.12:1-12)



      God created the heaven and the earth "God
      said" (The Word
John.1:1-5, Col.1:16-18, Heb.1:1-3)

"things not as seen yet" (Heb.11:7)

     The first Marriage / Man to leave his mother
    and farther / cleave to his wife

A figure of heaven. God in Heaven has pattern this "hid" in Himself before the foundation of the world. "If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth."
(Col.3:1-2, Matt.6:10, Matt.6:33)

The Tabernacle made with hands was NOT the purpose, the purpose is what it foreshadows. The Tabernacle was  "a schoolmaster (Tudor / teacher) so we can understand those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.

This is the message of the Cross
(1 Cor.2:1-3, Gal.6:14)

First the natural / Marriage

The Glory of the ministration of death