/ Phase 6, Page 1 - Pattern for interpreting the Prophets / Return to cover page)
I. A pattern for interpreting the Prophets
God has ONLY ONE purpose(Eph.3:1-12) and every Book of the Bible (which includes the Prophets) must
be studied, "rightly divided (2Tim.2:15, Heb.4:12, 1Cor.2:1-14, John.16:12-15), woven together) [2] within this
context. Proverbs says. "He that answereth (answers) a matter (an overall view of God's purpose from Genesis to
Revelation) before he heareth (hears) it is folly (silliness:—folly, foolishly, foolishness, 1Cor.1:20-29) and shame
unto him" (Prov.18:13).
The Prophets will never contradict the overall Purpose of God (Matt.13:10-17, Rom.3:21-33; 16:25-26,
1Peter.1:10-12, 2Peter.3:1-2, Rev.10:7; 11:15).
A. This pattern is a simple process
The apostle Paul told the Corinthian Church that he feared, "lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve
through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity (singleness) [1] that is in Christ.
Within the language of the Prophets, was the language of the Law of Moses which was a schoolmaster
to bring us to Christ (Gal.3:24, Matt.5:17-19, Rom.3:21-33; 16:25-26, 1 Peter.1:10-17 / Matt.13:10-17).
This was their single purpose "that in all things He (The Lord Jesus Christ) he might have the preeminence"
1. The first step: Find out when was the Prophet prophesying?
We begin here because we need to know if the Word of the Lord through Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel,
Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephanah, Haggai, Zechariah,
Malachi came to pass during their life time. This is done by reading the the first chapter of each Prophet,
and the first few verses. For example: Isaiah says that he was prophesying "concerning Judah and
Jerusalem in the days of Uzziah (2Chron.26:1-23; 27:1-2), Jotham (2Chron.26:21-23-27:1-9), Ahaz
(2Chron.27:9; 28:1-27), and Hezekiah 2Chron.29:1-36; 30:1-24; 31:2-20; 32:2-15), kings of Judah.
Now compare Isaiah.2:1-4 with the conditions of the people of God and the Temple during the reign
of these kings. When reading Isaiah you cannot find the fulfillment of this prophecy during their time,
therefore you must look forward to Step #2.
2. The second step: Was their prophecy fulfilled between their time and the
Babylonian Captivity?
This requires an understanding of the condition of the House of Judah from king Hezekiah (2Chron.29:1-
36; 30:1-24; 31:2-20; 32:2-15), Manasseh (2Chron.33:1-20), Amon (2Chron.33:21-25), Josiah
(2Chron.34:1-27), Jehoahaz (2Chron.36:1-4), Jehoakim (2Chron.36:5-8), Jehoachin (2Chron.36:9-10), to
king Zedekiah (2Chron.36:11-19). Note the Chart below. If their prophetic Word does have not have
it's fulfillment during the time of these kings, then the next place to look is the 70 year period of
Babylonian captivity. The Book of Lamentations would cover this period.
3. The third step: Was their prophecy fulfilled during the 70 year Babylonian captivity of
the House of Judah?
Note: The House of Israel had already been taken into captivity by the Assyrians many years before
this (2Kings.17:18-23). Only the House of Judah remained.
During this period of time (captivity to Babylon) there was only destruction and captivity (2Chron.36:12-21)
for the House of Judah (the Jews / the natural seed of Abraham. (Note: Psalms.137) There was nothing
inspired of the Holy Ghost during his time. Here is a quick overview of the Book of Lamentations written
by Jeremiah. Chapter 1 - The ruin of Jerusalem and misery of the exiles because of their sins. Chapter 2 -
Jehovah, the ancient defender of Israel, has given up his people to their awful fate. Chapter 3 - Jeremiah's
grief over the afflictions of his people, and his trust in God, and his own persecutions, Chapter 4 -
The former glory of Israel constructed with their present misery. Chapter 5 - A prayer for mercy.
4. The fourth step: Was their prophecy fulfilled between the end of the captivity to
the Cross?
This period of time can be divided into the reign of the kingdom of Media Persia (Ezra and Nehemiah)
and the reign of the kingdom of Greece. This was the silent years between the Old and New Testaments.
Daniel prophesied about this period while in the 70 year Babylonian captivity. Now compare Isaiah.2:1-4
with the conditions of the people of God and the Temple "from the going forth of the commandment
to restore and to build Jerusalem" (Dan.9:24, Ezra / Nehemiah) and the wait "unto the Messiah the
Prince" (Dan.9:24, John.1:41; 4:25).
When reading Isaiah.2:1-4 and you cannot find the fulfillment of this prophecy during this time,
you must look forward to Step #5.
5. The fifth step: Has their prophecy been fulfilled after the Cross to the Second
Coming (New Testament)?
If a prophetic Word spoken by the prophets (as in Isa.2:1-4) has not been fulfilled before the Cross, then
it must find it's fulfillment after the Cross, and before the Second Coming. This is because "the
heaven must receive (retain / Hold) [3] until the times of restitution (restoration)[4]of all things,
which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began...Yea, and all the
prophets from Samuel (including Isa.2:1-4) and those that follow after, as many as have spoken, have
likewise foretold of these days" (i.e. the days of restoration) (Acts.3:19-24, Rom.16:25-26, 1Peter.1:10-12,
Rev.10:7; 11:15).
Note: This explains why Jesus has not returned yet. Not "all things" that the the Prophets (Isaiah,
including Isa.2:1-4), Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk,
Zephanah, Haggai, Zechariah and Malach) have said have been restored yet.
B. Applying this pattern to Isaiah.2:1-4and Amos.9:11-12
"The word that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem. And it shall come to pass in the
last days, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be
exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let
us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and
we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. And
he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into
plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall
they learn war any more" (Isa.2:1-4).
1. When was Isaiah / Amos prophesying? (Step #1)
The vision of Isaiah the son of Amoz, which he saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem was in the days
of Uzziah (2Chron.26:1-23; 27:1-2), Jotham (2Chron.26:21-23-27:1-9), Ahaz (2Chron.27:9; 28:1-27),
and Hezekiah (2Chron.29:1-36; 30:1-24; 31:2-20; 32:2-15), kings of Judah. When reading Isaiah, you
cannot find the fulfillment of this prophecy during this time, therefore you must look forward
to Step #2)
2. Did Isa.2:1-4 happen between Isaiah / Amos andthe Babylonian captivity? (Step #2)
Read about Hezekiah (2Chron.29:1- 36; 30:1-24; 31:2-20; 32:2-15), Manasseh (2Chron.33:1-20), Amon
(2Chron.33:21-25), Josiah (2Chron.34:1-27), Jehoahaz (2Chron.36:1-4), Jehoakim (2Chron.36:5-8), Jehoachin
(2Chron.36:9-10), to king Zedekiah (2Chron.36:11-19). The mountain of the Lord's house was not established
in the top of the mountains, and exalted above the hills; and all nations did not shall flow unto it. (Neither
was the Tabernacle of David built again) Hezekiah was the only king that attained this. Neither did the kings
after Hezekiah. The Spirit of God through Isaiah (as did Haggai Haggai.2:1-9) was reaching back to the first
house that Solomon built when "all the earth sought to Solomon, to hear his wisdom which God had put in
his heart" (1Kings.10:1-24).
3. Did Isa.2:1-4 / Amos.9:11-12 happen during the Babylonian captivity? (Step #3)
During this period of time (captivity to Babylon) there was only destruction and captivity (2Chron.36:12-21)
for the House of Judah (the Jews / the natural seed of Abraham. (Note: Psalms.137) There was nothing
inspired of the Holy Ghost during his time.
4. Did Isa.2:1-4 happen between the end of the captivity to the Cross? (Step #4)
This period of time can be divided into the reign of the kingdom of Media Persia (Ezra and Nehemiah)
and the reign of the kingdom of Greece. (The silent years between the Old and New Testaments) Note:
Daniel prophesied this while in the 70 year Babylonian captivity. Now compare Isaiah.2:1-4 / Amos.9:11-12
with the conditions of the people of God, and the Temple "from the going forth of the commandment to
restore and to build Jerusalem" (Dan.9:24, Ezra / Nehemiah) and the wait "unto the Messiah the Prince"
(Dan.9:24, John.1:41; 4:25).
When reading Isaiah.2:1-4, you cannot find the fulfillment of this prophecy during this time
therefore you must look forward to Step #5)
5. Does Isa.2:1-4 happen after the Cross? (Step #5)
This is a "crucial" point because (Isa.2:1-4 / Amos.9:11-12) has not come to pass yet, [5]and now we
are living in the New Testament [6] / Covenant. The natural / earthly house has been destroyed70
AD.[8] with no promise to rebuild[8] (Acts.7:48; 17:24, John.2:18-20, 1Cor.6:19-20, Eph.2:20-22, 1Tim.3:15,
1Peter.2:5). The ONLY Temple of God(House of God, Sanctuary) that is being built now is the Church
(Acts.7:48; 17:24, John.2:18-20, 1Cor.6:19-20, Eph.2:20-22, 1Tim.3:15, 1Peter.2:5). This means that
Isaiah is prophesying about the Church, which includes Jew and Gentile together in Christ as saints.
(Eph.2:11-22, 3:1-12) AT THIS PRESENT TIME, The Churchis experiencing the building again of the
Tabernacle of David which precede's Solomon's Temple in the BLUEPRINT
Some may ask, "How can Isaiah be prophesying about the last day Church when his word
is "concerning Judah and Jerusalem?" (Isa.2:1)
a. The answer is, after the Cross there are two Jerusalem's
(1) The natural / earthly city of Jerusalem
In the "last days" (the last or end, hence, the future) [9] natural / earthly Jerusalem is "spiritually
called Sodom [10] and Egypt"[11] (Rev.11:8) and "Ishmael" (Gal.4:25) during the time given to the
man of sin / antichrist where he has power "over all kindred...tongues, and nations'" (Rev.13:1-5).
NOTE: This includes Jerusalem. (Think about the Tower of Babel Gen.11:1-9)
Ask yourself these questions:-
(a) In the last days, will all nations shall flow unto it natural / earthly Jerusalem / Lord's House
which is "spiritually called Sodom and Egypt? and Ishmael?
(b) In the last days will "many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain
of the Lord, to the house of the God (in the natural / earthly city of Jerusalem) [12] of Jacob?
The answer is no because it was destroyed 70 AD with no promise to rebuild a natural / earthly
(c) In the last days will "He" (God the Father) teach us of his ways, and we will walk in
his paths: for out of Zion?
Earthly / natural Zion / Sion is within the walls the City of Jerusalem
that is described as spiritually Sodom and Egypt. But Zion (Sion) now is speaking of the Church
(Phase.125:1, 1 Peter.2:5-9, Eph.2:20-22).
(d) In the last days will the law, and the word of the Lord go forth from earthly / natural
Jerusalem. (I.e. spiritually called Sodom and Egypt? The answer is no because the "city where
our Lord was crucified" (Rev.11:8 natural Jerusalem) will be under the control of the
antichrist who has 42 months to continue (Rev.13:5). Then Jesus will return, "whom the Lord
shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his
coming. (Grk. parousia) Therefore Isa.2:1-4 must take place between where we are today and
the beginning of the Tribulation because Isa.2:1-4 cannot go pass the Second Coming into
the millennium. (Note: Acts.3:19-24, Rev.10:7; 11:15)
(e) And he shall judge among the nations. [This cannot go pass the Second Coming. Note:
Acts.3:19-24] and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares,
and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, [there will be
no nations left after the Second Coming Rev.16:12-16; 19:20-21] neither shall they learn war any
more" (Isa.2:1-4). (Note: Solomon was a man of Peace, 1 Chron.22:17-19)
b. The answer is, after the Cross there are two Judah's
You (the Church) have "come unto mount Sion, (Zion) [13] and unto the city of the living God, the
heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, To the general assembly and church
of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men
made perfect, which is "the general assembly and Church of the firstborn" (Heb.12:18-22).
Isaac typified the church (Gal.4:28, Col.3:1-3, Rev.21:10)
Isaiah was prophesying the prophetic "type" of what happened at the dedication of Solomon's
Temple when "all the earth sought to Solomon, to hear his wisdom, which God had put in his
heart" (1Kings.10:1, 24). The language that Isaiah is using is the language of the Pentateuch (Genesis
through Deuteronomy) and the History Books (Joshua through to Kings and Chronicles) to prophecy
"unto us" (1Peter.1:10-12).
2. After the Cross there are two Judah's
a. The natural / earthly Judah
The earthly Judah began with one of the 12 sons of Jacob/ Israel (Gen.32:28) called Judah (Gen.49:1-28,
Note:v.8-12). From these twelve sons came the children of Israel / Jacob (Gen.49- Exod.12:1-), who were
brought out Egypt as one holy nation, through the Red Sea, through the wilderness, into the Promised Land, stopping finally at Solomon's Temple (Review: PHASE 2). However, Solomon "went not fully
after the Lord" (1Kings.11:6) and the united kingdom of Israel was divided in two (1Kings.11-12).
The House of Israel (1Kings.11:30-32; 12:20-21) and the House of Judah (1Kings.11:32; 12:20-21). The
House of Israel was eventually removed out of God's sight because of sin (2KIngs.17:18-23) and
the House of Judah was carried away into 70 years of Babylonian captivity (2Chron.36:1-21,
Jer.29:11) and then released (2Chron.36: 22-23, Ezra.1:1-4).
As the House of Judah (Jews)[14] were going Into captivity, Jeremiah prophesied, "Behold, the
days come, saith the Lord, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the
houseof Judah." ( Jer.31:31)
b. Where is that "new" covenant fulfilled? (Jer.31:31)
(1) No record before the Cross (Note: Chart #1, 2, 3, 4)
There is no record of a new covenant being made with the (natural / earthly / children
of the flesh of the House of Israelor Judah during the Babylonian captivity, (#3) or during the
Books Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther (Media-Persia) or Daniel (Greece / the 400 year silence between
the Old and New Testaments.) (#4) No prophetic voice from God, No New Covenant made.
b. (Cont.) Where is that "new" covenant fulfilled? (Jer.31:31)
(2) We have now come through the Cross into the New Covenant
The only "covenant"[17] after the Cross, is the New Testament (CovenantEph.2:1-19) which
includes Jew and Gentile (i.e. every Nation that is not Jewish) [17a] together in Christ (2Cor.5:17)
when they are "born again."
(a) Paul writes to the Gentiles[18] (i.e. every Nation that is not Jewish)
You Gentiles were without Christ, aliens / strangers [19] from the commonwealth (being a
citizen) [20]of Israel,[22] and strangers [19] from the covenants[15] of promise, having no
hope, and without God in the world.
(1) But now in Christ Jesus (New Testament / Covenant)
NOW under the New Testament / Covenant, you Gentiles, who sometimes were
afar off (strangers / aliens from the covenants)[19] are made nigh [21](i.e. included in the
commonwealth / a citizen of Israel) by the blood of Christ.[20] For he (Jesus) is our peace,
who hath made bothone, (Jew and Gentile) [24] and hath broken down the middle wall of
partition between us; (Jew and Gentile) Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the
law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain (the two /
Jew and Gentle) one new man, (saintsv.19 / Eph.4:11-16, 1Cor.13:9-12) so making peace..."
(2) Now in the New Testament there is ONLY ONE Covenant for both Jew and Gentile
That He (Jesus) might reconcile both (Jew and Gentile) unto God in one body (the
body of Christ Matt.5:17-19, John.2:18-20, 1Cor.121:13, Col.1:18) by the cross, because they
both need to be saved / redeemed / born again). For through him (Jesus) we both (Jew and
Gentile) have access by one Spirit unto the Father. Now therefore ye (you Gentiles) are no
more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens (because there is only ONE PLAN, ONE
PURPOSE, ONE NEW COVENANT) with the saints, (Jew and Gentile together) and of the
household of God (Eph.2:1-22, Gal.3:1-29; 6:15 / Rom.9:1-8).
(b) Natural Judah was cut off from this "new" covenant because of unbelief
When Jesus came He came unto His own (the House of Judah / Jews) [23] to confirm (strenghten,
to make strong) [24] the Old Covenant by fulfilling (Matt.5:17-19) it in the "new covenant" [25] that
Jeremiah prophesied would come. [26] This confirmation was rejected by "His own" (John.1:11)
and they crucified Him. [27] (PHASE 5, Page 6 - 7)
Note: Because of this "unbelief" they were "broken off" (Rom.11:20-25)with the promise of
being grafted back into this New Covenant / the "olive tree"[28] if they abide still not in unbelief
in this NEW Covenant (Jer.31:31)
c. Concluding thoughts the natural house of Judah
The vision of Isaiah the son of Amoz, which he saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem has not been
fulfilled yet, and it has now come through Cross, into the New Covenant.
(1) What is through the Cross? (This is demonstrated by this chart)
(2) We know that this Word must come to pass before Jesus comes back and destroys
the antichrist. (Review: PHASE 10)
(3) Now there are two Judah's to consider. A natural and a spiritual
If we are going to let the Spirit of truth (The Holy Spirit)[29] guide us into all truth (John.17:17,
1John.2:26-27, 1Cor.2:1-14, Note.v.9-11), then we must accept that the "new covenant with the
house of Israel, and with the house of Judah" (Jer.31:31), is the New Testament / covenant that Jesus
made, that includes Jew and Gentile, not a separate covenant for the Jew and one for the Gentile.
No wonder JESUS is the "Lion of the tribe of Judah" (Judah being the Church Rev.5:5, Eph.2:1-19)
This is an "infallible" interpretation because it is by the "inspiration of God" (2Tim.3:16-17).
Therefore it is plain to see that the Holy Spirit would NOT be signifying through Isaiah
(1Peter.1:10-12) that "Sodom and Egypt" would be the Lord's House? The Holy Spirit of God would
NOT say that "all nations shall flow unto" Ishmael, and He would NOT say through Isaiah (1Peter.1:
10-12)that God would "teach us out of Ishmael / Sodom and Egypt.
This is why "The word that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem" (Isa.2:1)
is a prophetic Word concerning the New Testament Church. It is no wonder that Jesus is the Lion
of the tribe of Judah.