All these are man's replacement for the gap (WAITING PERIOD / SILENT YEARS) for no anointing. Look at the condition of the House of Judah going into these silent years.(2Chron.5:1-14;Neh.13:1-, Mal.1-)
These books "fell to the ground"
unlike the Prophet Samuel's words. (1Sam.3:19) By the test a time they were rejected from the canon ofscripture. Yet the Catholic Church picked them up (so-to-speak) and included in their Bible declaring them to be inspired of God. Ignoring God's Word (Deut.12:32, Prov.30:5, Rev.22:18) Don't add or diminish
Remember this is HISTORY TO US
From these writings comes the Jewish traditions / commandments of Men that JESUS (MESSIAH / God manifest in the flesh Matt.1:18-25, John.1:1-14) said, "make the commandment of God of none effect" (Matt.15:1-9) / Phase 1 / The Septuagint
(3) Also during this time of NO inspiration
Think about Adam and Eve made "fig leaf aprons" tio cover themselves
A silent time for Abraham and Sarah. Tried to fill in the gap. Saul "forced himself to offer sacrifice
Hosea- God would not smeel their sacrifices because of sin / corruption
Law and the Prophets were unto John (the baptist)