FOOTNOTES / PHASE 2 God's Purpose and Plan ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
1. "Ensamples"- It is a die (as struck) i.e. by imply. a stamp or scar; by analogy a shape, i.e. a statue, (fig) style or resemblance especially a sample ("type") i.e. a model (for imitation or instance (for warning) Strong's Con NT #5179
2. A "shade" or a shadow. A adumbration - to give a sketchy outline. Strong's #5179
3. The name means to character of the person. (Gen.17:5; 32:24-28, Matt.1:23, John.1:42) 4. Some would say, "how can Jacob be a type of the Holy Ghost when he was a supplanter by nature?" (Gen.25:19-34) The first reason is that God, who is triune has chosen to compare Himself with Abraham, (the father) Isaac (the only begotten son) which leaves Jacob to be compared to the Holy Spirit. The second reason is that the Covenant of Abraham continued through Isaac and through Jacob. Jesus said, "all things that the Father hath are mine (the only begotten Son) therefore...he (The Holy Spirit) shall take of mine and shall shew it unto you." (John.16:15)
5. It is interesting that there was Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (3). Jacob had twelve sons (12) which grew to seventy (70) "which came into Egypt." Then Israel was delivered by the blood of the Passover Lamb, and came forth as the church in the wilderness, a holy nation, a peculiar treasure and a royal priesthood. The pattern is repeated in it's reality in the New Testament Church. It begins with the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. (3)Matt.28:19. The (12) apostles. Matt.10:50 Jesus sent out the (70). Luke.10:1-16 Jesus was offered as the true Passover, (1Cor.5:7-8) and Church came forth as a holy nation, peculiar treasure and a royal priesthood. (1 Peter.2:5-9) 6. "Master builder - is an architect [ 1: a person who designs, builds and advises in their construction. 2: a person who designs and guides a plan or undertaking] 7. The Feast of Passover was the first of three set Feasts that the "Church in the wilderness" was to celebrate in their calendar year. (Deut.16:16; 23:1-) It was the "beginning of months." These Feasts are a shadow of the calendar that God has for the Church. (Col.21:16-17) (Review Phase 8)
8. Strong's Greek Dictionary. #4005
9. The word "ignorant - is not to know (through lack of information or intelligence); by implication, to ignore (through disinclination); Strong's. "Disinclination"- is reluctant, unwillingness, opposition, loathing, aversion to. 10. Temple, House, Body of Christ, a mature perfect man, a Glorious Church without spot or wrinkle, are all speaking of the Bride of Christ 11. Paul could write "our fathers" because "if we are Christ's THEN are we Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise. (Ga.3:29) "Now we brethren, AS ISAAC WAS so are we."(Gal.4:28) 12. Throughout God's pattern the Church in the wilderness(Acts.7:38) experienced "things not as seen yet." (Heb.11:7, Matt.24:37-38,1Cor.2:1-4 Note: v.9-10) However these are NOT things outside of the Word of God.
13. The Hebrew word is a cloth hut, (Amos.9:11-12, Isa.16:5) Strong's Con. OT #5521 / a hut or lair:— booth, cottage, covert, pavilion, tabernacle, tent. The Greek word used in Acts.15:16 is / a tent or cloth hut (literally or figuratively):—habitation, tabernacle. Strong's Con NT #4633 14. David and Moses are both is a "types" of Christ. They both qualified as prophet, priest and king and both built Tabernacles. (Acts.3:22,Deut.18:15, Heb.3:1-3) To be continued....
15. Note: On the day of Pentecost, (Mt. Sinai) it was the apostle (Peter) and the prophet (Joel) that set the first foundation and direction (Acts.2:17, Joel.2:28) Now it is the apostle (James) and the (Prophet) Amos setting the foundation and direction for the Church. NOTE: Eph.2:20-22
16. (Note: The place where the Church, the Bride of Christ will be planted and move no more is the "heavenly Jerusalem,"the belovedCity, the Bride the Lambs wife." (Heb.12:22, Rev.21:9-10) This is the city that Abraham looked for. Heb.11:8-10) REVIEW: PHASE 2
17. There were more the 12 apostles in the early Church. There was Timothy, Silvanus (1Thes.1:1; 2:1, 3- 6) The word "apostle" simply means ,"he that is sent," like a missionary in modern times. (To be continued....)
19. Interpreting the scriptures - K. Conner / K. Malmin, p.2
20. Dr. Ira M. Price, Ancestry of the English Bible, p.700 / God only wrote One Bible, J.J. Ray, p.18
21. Encyclopedia Britannica
22. Dr. Ira M. Price, Ancestry of the English Bible, p.70 / Hurst, History of the Christian Church, Vol.1 pp.36- 37 / God only wrote One Bible, J.J.Ray, p.18
23. We begin with Abraham
24. Trinity - is our words. The Bible says Godhead. Trinity in our English language means God Father, God the Son Jesus Christ, and God the Holy Spirit
25. Firstborn / Birthright - Note: Esau had the "birthright," because he was the firstborn, (Gen.25:19-34, Deut.21:15-17) just the Jews (the children of the flesh of Abraham Rom.9:1-33, Exod.4:22)had the "birthright." However, Esau "despised his birthright." (Gen.25:34) just as the Jews did when rejected Jesus.
26. Allegory - Strong's NT:238 from NT:243 and agoreo (to harangue [compare NT:58]); to allegorize: KJV - be an allegory [the Greek word itself.].
27. Genealogy - There was provision made for "the stranger" (alien) if they abide by the same rules. (Exod.12:49) This was prophetic of theGospel going into all world.
28. Keeping the Feasts - Jesus did not destroy the Feasts of Israel (Lev.23) He came to fulfill (or complete) them. We don't kill a lamb in the NewCovenant, we do keep the reality of the Feast of Passover. (This will expanded on later in this series. Phase.8)
28b. Speculation: 1000 years = 24 Hrs./ 500 years = 12 Hrs. / 250 yrs = 6 Hrs. / 125 years = 3 Hrs / 62+ years = 1.5 Hrs / 31+ years = .75 Hrs / 16+ Years = approx. half an hour.
29. Infallible - The interpretation of James is infallible because (a) it is inspired by the Spirit of God and record for us in scripture. (2Tim.3:16-17, John.16:12-15) (b) Jesus had opened his understanding the Law and the prophets. (Luke.24:1-45) Now the Holy Spirit is bringing it back to James remembrance. This is the Bible interpreting the Bible. 30. Apostle James - (Mat 10:3; Mar 3:18; Luk 6:15). He appears to have occupied the position of head of the Church at Jerusalem, where he presided at the council held to consider the case of the Gentiles (Act.12:17; 15:13-29: 21:18-24). (Easton Bible Dictionary)
31. Corruption "notorious" - Present day Truths - Iverson, p.14-15 / Compton's Interactice Encyclopedia, "Constantine" / Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History, Book 5, Chap.8 / Encycloptian Tatian / Encyclopedia Britannica. "Arius" Arius was a ascetical, moral leader of a Christian community in the area of Alexandria, and attracted a large following through a message integrating Neoplatonism, which accented the absolute oneness of the divinity as thehighest perfection, with a literal, rationalist approach to the New Testament texts. Constantine - Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia, 1996 (Review: PHASE 1, Page 2 32. Present day Truths - Iverson, p.14-15
33. Clement / Origen - Dr. Ira M. Price - Ancestary of the Englisah Bible, p.70 / God Only Wrote One Bible- J.J. Ray, p.18 34. Sir Robert Anderson, L.C.B.L.D. p.48, The Church and the Bible / E. H. Broadbent - The Pilgrim Church, pp.21-22
35. E.H.Broadbent, The Pilgrim Church, pp.21-22 36. Nicholas of Lyra - 37. The King James Defended - E.F. Hills, Chap.,8 (e), p.198 38. NASB / The New American Standard Bible, The English Versions of the Bible, p.1452 39. Burgon and Miller - The Traditional Text, p.163 / Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol.4, -.86 / Gregory - The Cannon and Text of the New Testament, p.345 / Dr Ira M. Price - Ancestry of the English Bible, p.70 / A.T. Robinson - Introduction to the New Testament.
40. Interpreting the Scriptures - K. J. Conner / K. Malmin
41. Egypt - becomes a type of our old life (man Rom.6:1-11) because Christ our Passover (1Cor.5:7-8) has delivered us from the bondage of sin
42. Called out ones- The meaning of the word "Church" Strong's Con. NT#1577 a calling out, i.e. (concretely) a popular meeting, especially a religious congregation (Jewish synagogue, or Christian community of members on earth or saints in heaven or both):—assembly, church.
43. Laying on of hands / 1948 See historical record.– World_War_II_movement)#Latter_Rain_Revival_.281948.E2.80.931952.29
44. Present truth - The truth that is near. (Strong;s Con. #NT.3918 / from G3844 and G1510 (including its various forms); to be near, i.e. at hand; neuter present participle (singular) time being, or (plural) property:—come, × have, be here, + lack, (be here) present. a. The apostle Peter wrote there is a "present truth." (2Peter.1:12) b. The apostle Paul wrote (1Cor.2:1-14; 3:1-15) (1) The natural man cannot understand the things of the Spirit of God. (1Cor.2:14) (2) It takes the illumination of the Spirit of God for us to understand His Word. (1Cor.2:9-10. Note: 1John.2:27, John.16:11-15) (3) This only happens when He gives the increase. (1Cor.3:7) Since the Reformation (1517 AD) until our present day, this increase has happen according the pattern that has been typified by the Church in the wilderness