VI. Now comes the Council of Trent (1545 - 1563 AD)
"By this time, (the time of Tyndale) the Catholic Church authorities...saw the Reformation movement
spread from one country to another..." [41] "It was unstoppable!" (This was the sovereign hand of God
fulfilling His promise and pattern) This caused the Roman Catholic Church to call for the Council of Trent.
(1545-1563 AD)
A. The purpose of this Council of Trent
The Purpose was to Issue decrees to correct abuses to reaffirm ancient doctrines and
traditions[42] of the Roman Catholic Church which were formed as the Church spiritually declined
down into the "dark ages.") It should be noted that in the 1st. Cent. that there was ONLY ONE CHURCH,
with The Lord Jesus Christ as the HEAD (Col.1:18). There was no Roman Catholic Church until approx.
2nd. Century. The Council of Trent was NOT reaffirming the truths of the Book of Acts and the Epistles,
they were reaffirming the notorious corruption of the decline of the Church.
B. The Council of Trent was to establish the official Catholic Bible
This was the Revised Latin Vulgate of Jerome. (Eusebius, Origen) "In 1546 the Council of Trent
decreed that the Vulgate was the exclusive Latin authority for the Bible..."[43] Some of the outcome,
and much of the enforcement, of the Council of Trent was in the hands of the newly established
religious order, the Society of Jesus. (the Jesuits) Unlike the Benedictine monks or the Franciscan and
Dominican friars, the Jesuits were specifically dedicated to the task of reconstructing church life and
teaching in the aftermath of the Protestant Reformation. They thus came to be called the “shock troops
of the Counter Reformation"[44] "Their conscientious administrations removed much of the incentive to
Nevertheless God continued to restore His Church anyway! (Review Phase 2)
C. A Brief summary from (1517 to 1881 AD)
The Word of God has now been established back into the Greek language, translated into English, and
mass produced by way of the printing press to the people, without the corruption of Origen, Eusebius
and Jerome.
This continued from the Reformation until the 18th.century. The Protestants had their Bible and
the Catholic's had their Bible.
In 1881 AD. a change was about to take place!
41. The Catholic Counter Reformation - Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia, 1996
42. The Catholic Counter Reformation - Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia, 1996
43. The Catholic Counter Reformation - Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia, 1996
44. The History of Roman Catholicism, New Religious Order - Encyclopedia Britannica
45. The Catholic Counter Reformation - Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia, 1996